What's the best Luxury album? A panel discussion
Join us for an online discussion debating the merits of my favorite punk band.
Luxury is a rock and roll band that is 60% ordained priests. That's interesting, but what's even more interesting is their five exquisite rock and roll records. This event features a discussion and debate among writers, critics, and academics to finally answer the age-old question: "What's the best Luxury record?" Join us on Zoom to find out, as each panelist champions one of Luxury's albums.
Moderator - Alex Stroschein, Regent College
Alan Parish, Turn the Radio Off music blog: Amazing and Thank You
Jon Couts, Ambrose University: The Latest & the Greatest
Mischa Willett, Seattle Pacific University: self-titled
Joel Heng Hartse, Simon Fraser Unviersity: Health & Sport
Michial Farmer, The Christian Humanist podcast: Trophies