Things I'm Happy About: King Street Station

King Street Station in Seattle’s once-glorious and much-neglected Pioneer Sqaure, is a beautiful, classic train stop whose clock tower is modeled on San Marco in Venice.  It was grand and lovely until the 1950’s, when, in a misguided attempt to modernize, they put in a drop-ceiling, covering the height, windows, and terra cotta carvings on the ceiling.  Instantly, the place felt like a bus depot: a cramped and criminal bin for only the most-desperate travelers.  Ridership dropped to a trickle.  Thanks to some heroic Democratic legislators, spending political capital, and standing up to virulent, inchoate, spittle-flecked, rage-driven opposition, we’re getting the money to update the station, bringing some decency and grace to an area that badly needs it, some jobs to a town that does likewise, and some future-planning to a region that could use it.

This update came out today from the department of transportation.

M. Willett

Mischa Willett teaches English at Seattle Pacific University and is the author of Phases (Cascade Books, 2017)

Places: Versailles


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