"The Breaking Towers" at Monarch Review

My new essay--"The Breaking Towers: on Hart Crane's Crumbling Muses"--is up now at Monarch Review.  Essentially, it's a meditation on the way critics treat artists, especially as seen in the new film Broken Tower (dir. James Franco) and in Paul Mariani's biography of the poet, by the same name.  

Monarch is the new kid on the block in the (tough neighborhood?) of literary magazines, and it's based in Seattle, which is why I wanted to publish there.  That, and the fact that they've got an epithet from Richard Kenney on their masthead, whose book One-Strand River is, apart from Shelley, the poetry I've re-read more than any other.  I'm seriously in the middle of my 16th or so straight read-through and it still chokes me up.  

Anyhow, the folks at Monarch are generous and give this content away for free.  You can read the whole essay here


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